September 04, 2010

berry picking with a simple tartan circle skirt

Well, it WAS the season for berry picking in Berlin a few weeks ago. We managed to ride our bikes 10 km from the Berlin CBD to go BERRY PICKING! It is amazing how short a distance you have to ride before you get the 'gee! am i in a city' feeling? We were in the city one minute and the country the next.
The strawberry huts had packed up and the raspberries were drying up on the vines..... but the blueberries were in full swing. Blueberries my favourite! Ich liebe blaubeeren!

I did discover on this trip that riding a bike with a longish skirt with an opening at the side was possibly not the best idea that I had ever had. It was extreme bike riding. I often find it difficult to coordinate fashion with biking riding practicality. Unfortunately I have ripped some of my skirts. Which is very sad. Lots of mending.

ANYWAY.... I made this skirt when I was living in Geraldton and rung my Grandma to find out how to work out the dimensions for a circle skirt. I am now OBSESSED with making circle skirts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. You will be seeing more of these............... thanks Grandma!

FABRIC - Geraldton Spotlight, for a bargain AUS$1 a metre.


  1. I love the skirt. Thinking of how I'm going to style it when I get my hands on it....

  2. That is so awesome I am going to make one TOO!!!
