April 17, 2011

walking on bricks


Not the best photos. I definitely have to learn how to use my camera at night. Before I headed out last night, I handed the camera to mum, stood under the street light, and hoped for the best. Lately I've been trying to keep a better record of my outfits and this is the teething stages.

As for my outfit, I bought this Shakuhachi dress a while ago (remember this post?). I never realised that an off-the-shoulder dress drastically restricts shoulder extension. I had to complete some rather robotic movements every time I reached for my champagne. Coupled with the overall clunky-ness of these shoes, simple locomotion proved a challenge.

Some food for thought..................
The height of these shoes came up in conversation with my girlfriends. They passed my shoes around, felt the weight of them and asked why I would voluntarily strap bricks to my feet. I explained to them that I like walking around feeling as though I have bricks strapped to my feet. I think its fun. I think its a novelty. Maybe its my high sensory threshold and low registration (sensory integration anyone?), but I love teetering around, practising my balance and making a lot of noise in the process. Am I the only one that feels this way, or do you enjoy walking in impractical shoes just for the sheer novelty of it?


  1. Wowee, that's a killer outfit!! (with killer shoes to match!!)
    It is soo hard to take outfit pics, I know what you mean. So many times I get people to take them, then dont like how they end up therefore not ending up on the blog!
    xx S

  2. poor little jade (the dog)...wandering the street. You know what side of the fence I am on. docs, campers and ballerina shoes are the extent of my shoe wardrobe, ... though I do have to admit I like taking yours for a test drive.

  3. ohhh you look amazing... Im in struggle city when it come to heels, i attempt them, but mostly i feel like a clown on stilts.. i do prefer to wear boots, though heels always make the legs look leaner, wish is always a plus... rambling indeed xx

  4. is that a mesh back on the dress! wow it just keeps getting better! totally understand the arm restrictions... just means you've got to be creative :P

  5. love your necklace!
    great photos!
