February 04, 2011

Seriously Sound System

(Top: Supre. Shorts: Topshop. Belt: Random. Bag: Jim Thompson. Sunglasses: Princess Polly. Shoes: Topshop)

A little while ago, mahaila, michael and I went to Seriously Sound System, which is RTR’s annual summer dance event. Since meeting Robert and some other amazing friends at Uni,  I've been a lover of electronic music. I listen to breaks on my way to work to get me pumped for the day, drumb and bass while I clean the house, and chilled electronic stuff while I read before bed (I'm not very good at naming and identifying the different styles, but I try)......... don't get me wrong, I like listening to bands as well, but electronic music is what gets me really excited. Mahaila is less into this scene, but I think I have her slightly converted ;)

This song is one that I just keep going back to..........  my friend and I completely lost our shit to this song when Freestylers dropped it at Breakfest (BreakFEST not breakfast) back in December. 

Note: If you never listen to this kind of music, I promise that you won't develop an appreciation for it through your computer speakers........... my advice is, find a good event to go to, bring people that love to have a good time, and go with the flow. There will probably be some crazy person on acid dancing near you, a stranger telling you that you're just absolutely stunning (no matter how you look), girls in fluffy fluoro leg warmers, and people clapping in unison at no apparent cue ................ but it's all in the name of fun :)

Kaye xx

1 comment:

  1. wow really great outfit:)

    http://www.inablondeworld.net/ new post:)x
