December 09, 2011

Creative Friday: LUI LUI

This week we are featuring a fantastic knit designer LUI LUI. Her designs are really lovely and I was lucky enough to try on one of her new winter collection pieces. The new LUI LUI winter collection is inspired by  Norweigen style knitting. After visiting her I decided to do a little research on Norweign knitting and I have knitted a few little creations myself! She is definitely an inspiring designer!

If you are in Berlin this weekend you should defintely head down to the Weihnachtskater Markt at Kater Holzig. You can find LUI LUI designs there as well as heaps of other Berlin based designers.

Esther from LUI LUI with her sweet little dog           Photo by Michael Dooney

Where are you from?

Actually I’m a small town girl from Franconia in the Middle of Germany but eight years ago I came to the big and inspiring city Berlin. I came here to be anonymous, to be who I really am, to feel free and to feel the pulse of this city full of life. And now I’m stuck here.

What is your art/craft and where can we find it?

I’m knitting. Knitted fashion. At the moment you can find it in a little shop in Berlin/Kreuzberg called A loja. Me and three friends, we are running this little shop which is also our atelier. It’s the place where we are creative, working and you can find these pieces. This shop is full of lovely handmade young fashion pieces and most of the designers are from Berlin. A loja also has an online shop ( where you can find LUI LUI. And of course it’s also available on Dawanda (

What are the positives in buying handmade items?

Handmade items are unique. Every piece looks a different and has its own story. I also love those little faults, they make them so human. You can see the time and work which are contained and last but not least you can feel all the love with which it was produced. And I also like to support young designers with good ideas and creativity.

Where do you find inspiration?

I don’t get my inspiration in fashion magazines or from other designers. Actually I don’t care what is going on in the fashion scene.
On the one hand knitting is like science. It’s all about mathematics, rows, stitches, the single needles of the machine, the different options the machine is giving you.
And on the other hand the different kind of materials with nature is giving us. How they flow and what they feel like on our skin.
It’s my inspiration to combine the rational part of knitting with the emotional. And in the end every single piece is an image of myself.

What motivates you to create?

I don’t do this because I studied or learned it. I also don’t do it for the money. It’s more to do something from the heart. May be this sounds very romantic. Actually this is my way to express my feelings. And I hope to give love to others with the items of LUI LUI.

What encouraging words/advice would you give to someone who is interested in sparking their creativity?

Do it!! Express yourself! There is nothing to be scared of. Take every chance and you will get feedback and love of other people. You only have to believe in what you do. 


This where you can find her this weekend!


  1. I really like this interview and the alojaberlin website is so pretty. Very inspiring! Sarah

  2. Fabulous interview, and great designs :)

    Thanks for share.
    See you!

  3. thanks for sharing this! I really need to check out the collection next time I'm in Berlin.

  4. Thoughtful blog thanks for sharing.
