November 28, 2012

Hounds tooth

Hounds tooth shorts. Who would have thought that these little shorts could cause me so such grief? I made these shorts a while back, but had great difficulties creating a solid outfit for them. I didn't want to make a simple black top... but this is what I ended up going with. I also made a blue chiffon top... but it still didn't quite work out. So I am still waiting for the ideal inspiration:)

Fickle Sense blue tote bag

Photos: Michael Dooney
Studio: Atelier Nalepa, Berlin

November 03, 2012

MUSIC: Planningtorock in Berlin

The other week we were lucky enough to stumble across a Planningtorock performance. Embarrassingly enough we went to the Berlinisches Gallery Kunstnacht12 without recognising who the headline artist actually was. When she started playing I went a little insane. She rarely performs, so it was quite the treat! She was one of the artists who I have wanted to see for a while.  
Take a listen! Her voice is unique and her electronic sounds provoke some solid emotions. I just love her sound:) She is certainly an inspirational artist.